We have an antiquated telephone. No, it's not as antique as a rotary dial, but it's one of those that when you hold it to your ear, you can't see the buttons. Well, including mobile phones, I guess all modern phones are like that nowadays.
The recorded voice gives you an option . . . press one . . . so you hold the phone away from your ear so you can see the buttons. You press one and by the time you get the phone back to your ear you have missed the first few words of the next bit of recorded voice.
Last Friday my doctor (well, not an M.D. , but a P.A.) changed one of my prescriptions. A recorded Walgreens voice called me this afternoon. The voice said the prescription was ready to be picked up, but it needed to ask me a few questions. Would I please enter my birthdate?
What? Take the phone away from my ear and painstakingly enter my birthdate? In what exact format did the voice want my birthdate? I remember the pleasure of slamming a rotary phone down on a boyfriend who jilted me. Can you derive any satisfaction out of slamming the phone down on a recorded voice?