Does any city, town, village have the answer to homelessness?
Leavenworth County does not have the problem of homelessness totally solved, but they have come a long way toward providing some answers. What appears to be working is a two-pronged approach.
The Hope Shelter provides an overnight bed. Overnight only. Under most weather conditions people will be admitted between 8-10 pm, and are expected to leave by 7 am. During the day the "Welcome Center provides services to those in Leavenworth County living in poverty which include instructions about daily living skills, information about social service providers, access to job seeking skills, assistance in getting personal documents and transportation to helping agencies and other essential services." The Hope Shelter seeks donations and many hours of volunteer time.
Not connected, but overlapping, is the Leavenworth Attainable Housing program, where the goal is to put individuals or families in adequate housing. Occupants pay one-third of their income in rent.