Thursday, January 23, 2025


     A person I used to hold in high regard I no longer hold in high regard. I read your blogs. Almost always commented. I read all your books, actually bought some of them, those the library didn't have. I spoke favorably, admiringly, of you to others. I contributed generously to what appeared to be your favorite cause, which always needs money.

    I was delighted at an opportunity to meet you in person. I gave you a copy of my book, Sidewalk Sale Across America, parts of which mention the skill (yours far better than mine) that we share. Gave you a couple of bookmarks which have the pattern for the Chameleon Scarf, which I accidentally invented.

    Frankly, I expected an acknowledgement in return: a thank-you for the book, a comment on the scarf pattern. What I received was nothing. For all I know both book and bookmarks were thrown in the trash before you left town.

    Well, person with a well-known name, I personally no longer know your name.

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